Who Is That Programmer I See, Coding Straight Back At Me

16 Dec 2022

New Semester

The first day of this class was quite a different experience. I was eating a Subway sandwich and wanted to make sure I got the starting time correct. It was around 11:15 when I checked. Turns out the class started at 10:30 not 12:00 as I previously thought.

As a novice programmer, committing time to do coding assignments gave me great anxiety. Couple that with the in class WODs, this class was a recipe for disaster. Eventually as the semester continued and repetition occurred, I got into the groove of things and coding anxiety lessened and performance skyrocketed. I broke down things into smaller, more manageable pieces.

Coding Standards Part 2

In a previous essay I previously wrote that coding standards are important but not number one priority. Coding standards being the format of code(e.g, parenthesis being spaced out with the parameter, curly brackets having spaces, etc.). But now I believe that it is the number one most important thing to improve coding quality. The reasoning behind this change is because it transfers to other programming languages that I use, like C. Python, JavaScript. The other reasoning is because working on previous and other owners of code is an eventual task and being able to view and understand anything, no matter how small it is, helps get the ball rolling.

Am I Functional Enough For Programming

Functional programming is a bit self explanatory, but it means to use functions to create a clean code. This class went in depth about underscore functions that already had predefined functions that do specific tasks. This approach was way better to me as it does the labor for you, all you have to do is feed it the right parameters and everything will be fine. This approach easily defeats the brute force method I usually use.

Developing in an Environment

A development environment is a workspace for developers use to work their magic. This is usually done with an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). I’ve used my fair share of IDEs in the past for other class, but Intellij IDEA has been the best so far. While it does some things automatically like doing imports, it makes me learn how to better my coding standards by yelling at me. It also allows for multiple tabs to be opened and the workspace folders and files can be easily navigated. Plus its dark mode so it is easy on the eyes.


I may be a computer engineer that took this class because it is a requirement and won’t need to progress into any higher level ICS classes, but this class was a fun experience and I am glad I took it.