What Are My Interests?

15 Sep 2022


My interest in engineering as a whole never really was a grand revelation, it really wasn’t much of a revelation at all. I used to want to be some sort of doctor just like my father, I even wore a coat for career day in elementary school. It wasn’t really until freshman year of high school that I thought of a career, and it wasn’t a serious thought at all. For an assignment we had to list our top choices of careers and I put Mechanical Engineer because it sounded cool and my friend put that as their first and I just wanted some validation. From then on I’ve always had an interest of some sort of engineering but unsure of what branch. I thought that since I would always be on my laptop, I should do something related to computers. Eventually I ended up doing Computer Engineering and writing this technical essay.


One of my interests in software engineering is the feeling of seeing all your hard work and code output the correct results. Another of my interests is learning new programming languages as it is fun to see how they relate and how each one manages to do the same function.

Skills and Experiences Hopefulness

One skill I hope to develop is the ablity to show discipline and code when I have to instead of pushing it to later. It is a bad feeling to feel anxious while coding and hope to remedy it by the repetition of this class. One experience that I hope for in the future is to have at least of the assignments finish in one go, meaning that I make no mistake and get the correct output on the first try.