Melvin Jae Alhambra


I am a Computer Engineering senior at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. I expect to graduate Fall 2022

Interests: Game Design, Software Engineering, Computer Building, Circuit Building


Nalu 2022

A responsive web interface for Hawai'i beach conditions that my team developed in EE 368.

JSON Internet of Things IoT Beach Safety

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Manoa Market 2022

A place for UH affiliated people to buy and sell things.

Meteor React MongoDB Team Project

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Analog to Digital Converter 2021

Simulating installing an analog to digital converter inside a Gamecube controller for a final project in EE 326.

Controller Modification Microcontroller Falstad

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Critter Escape 2021

A self-made game made in Unity for the final project of EE 369.

C# Game Design Unity

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Who Is That Programmer I See, Coding Straight Back At Me

16 Dec 2022

New Semester The first day of this class was quite a different experience. I was eating a Subway sandwich and wanted to make sure I got the starting time correct. It was around 11:15 when I checked. Turns out the...

C Coding Standards Development Environment Functional Programming Software Engineering

Designing a Nice Pattern

01 Dec 2022

Pattern Recognition Pattern Recognition is an ability human brains have that finds patterns and figures out what those patterns lead to. An example of this can be seen in modern Tetris games, which I’m currently into right now. In modern...

Design Pattern Software Engineering

U & I Are Made For Each Other

06 Oct 2022

HTML Back then when I had learned about super basic HTML things in a class during high school I would inspect element in my browser and change words and pictures around for fun. I thought I was cool and smart...

HTML CSS Bootstrap 5 UI Frameworks

Intelligence for IntelliJ

22 Sep 2022

Coding Standards Improving coding standards is very important as it is able to format the code nicely and is easily readable, but I honestly do not think it is the number one priority technique to improve quality. In my opinion...


What Are My Interests?

15 Sep 2022

Backstory My interest in engineering as a whole never really was a grand revelation, it really wasn’t much of a revelation at all. I used to want to be some sort of doctor just like my father, I even wore...

Interests Skills Experience

To be, or not to be, that is the question... Or is it?

08 Sep 2022

The Importance of Smart Questions Asking questions may seem like a simple task, but getting the answer you want is a different story. Smart questions are important for software engineers as it provides a greater context of what you are...

Smart Questions Stack Overflow Software Engineering

See all 7 essays